
Qualities Of An Ideal Husband

  Every woman expects the best  from her husband. She needs a husband who is capable of playing the role expected of him in the family. He must assume overall responsibility for his wife and children. To fulfill the desire and expectation of his wife, he should learn and demonstrate the following qualities.

 He should be genuinely  interested in his wife's overall welfare. He ought to consider of her wishes and feelings. Be careful not to hurt or upset her. Always be polite and considerate towards her.

Nowadays most, wives are looking for someone they can trust- a husband they can rely on. Hence a husband's choice of words or actions should not cast doubts on his motives and reliability.

 An ideal husband accepts and deals with a situation as it really is and does not try to pretend that it is different. He knows it is not realistic to expect people to change overnight. While dealing with his wife, he should accept in a sensible way what it is actually possible to do or achieve in a particular situation. He feels and shows love and affection for his wife. He is kind, helpful and shows that he cares about her and her children. He's a very caring person. He's ready to help at all times. He's a very loving person. He reveals this by the way he gazes lovingly at his wife or children.

There's just no pleasing some people. It is true you can't make everybody happy. Indeed some people are impossible to please. Notwithstanding do everything you can to please your wife. Endeavour to make the marriage a pleasurable experience. Let her feel happy and satisfied in the relationship. Always be ready to please her in all things.

 Needless to say patience is one of the fine personal qualities that most people admire. All too often we are unable to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour or difficulty without becoming angry. It takes time and patience to nurture a good working relationship. Be patient with her even if she offends. It requires patience and understanding to create a loving and lasting relationship. You'll just have to patiently study her conduct, lifestyle, habits and make adjustments where necessary.

Studious and Knowledgeable
 It is important to be very knowledgeable about life and events in the world. Apart from having specialized knowledge or skill he needs also to have knowledge of facts about a lot of different subjects to remain relevant- at least to keep pace with the changing times we live in. Hence he knows the best decision to take on behalf of the family.

He must show great diligence in his work. He exercises all reasonable diligence to realize his full potential. He puts a lot effort in his job and does it well. He's not diletante worker who is not serious about his work and does not have much knowledge about it.

Let an atmosphere of happiness prevail in all your relationships. Christmas and New Year are not the only time of good cheer. Always give hope, comfort and encouragement to your wife. When you're apart from each other, giver her a call; perhaps she needs cheering up. Send her a chatty, cheerful letter. You should also be cheerful, and show it by the way that you behave. Learn to avoid violent mood swings- moody people are difficult to deal with.

 He treats his wife with generosity and thoughtfulness. He is kind in the way he treats her. He is willing to see what is good about her. He willingly gives her money, help, gifts, time and kindness freely. He's always willing to give or share things with her.

 He values prayer. He speaks to God always, especially to give thanks or ask for help. Prayers changes things; it also helps sustain positive things and even makes them better. Prayer takes the heat off your marriage and moves God to act on your behalf. Hence be prayerful, respecting and honouring God  and leading other members of the family in the same.

He feels and shows that he is very appreciative of his wife's effort. He recognizes and enjoys the good qualities of the wife. As often as not, his appreciative smile, laughter and comments stimulates her to become responsive and receptive. Learn to say nice things such as "Thank you'', ''I appreciate you", 'You're one in a million'', ''God bless you'', etc. Never treat her like a second class citizen.

Achieving lasting success in marital relationship requires commitment of time and effort. Men very often have to juggle work with their family commitment. Be faithful and committed to the marriage vows for life, living and cleaving to your wife only.

The ability to communicate is truly a precious gift. Learn to communicate effectively. An ideal husband  is wise in communication. He listens with interest when his wife speaks  and does not dominate conversations. Many people will over-look a mispronounced word or a slip in grammar but they will not warm to someone who wants to talk but not listen. Show understanding in conversation and be available to hear her discussions.

 An ideal husband is filled with forgiving spirit and not retaliating or revengeful. He shows willingness to forgive. He does not stop feeling angry with his wife who has done something to him, annoy or upset him but also stop feeling angry with himself. He is also humble to admit his faults and apologize when necessary.

   Let me just make a few concluding remarks. When you clearly understand your past mistakes in this new light, you will not have to repeat them. As you read and apply the suggestions given above, gradually you will notice remarkable improvement in your relationship. Even if  frequent conflicts have sapped the joy in your relationship, you will experience a new dawn. Gradually things that never made sense will start to make sense. By successfully understanding and implementing these suggestions, you too will find true and lasting love.

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